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2015.11.14 ~ 18 China: Yangtze Cruise(장강삼협 크루즈) (5)

날짜: 2015년 11월 18일 수요일
장소: 충칭((慶, Chongqing) ~ 인천


호텔에서 아침을 먹은 후 공항으로 갔다.

파리에서 발생한 테러 때문인지 공항에서의 검색이 살벌하다.

gate까지 가는데 세 번 검색을 하였다.

마지막에는 경찰이 한 사람씩 머리에서 발끝까지 민망할 정도로 샅샅이 훑었다.


People are dying in one place, and others are relishing travel in another place.

That's life.

And my life is the same.

Life is bitter-sweet.

I heard bad news both personally and socially during on my beautiful trip.

Do not be immersed in things I can't help even though I should care about it.

I'm too tired to do that.

Actually it's beyond my limitation.

Everyone has his own life and goes his way.

Just savor the moments given to me.

I don't know how many days are in front of me.

Time flies.

And on the wings of time grief will fly away.

The leaves didn't turn red and yellow as much as I expected here.

(You can see full autumn colors in January.)

Anyway, my old dream came true, and the Three Gorges were gorgeous.

That's enough.