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2017 부흥집회 <ReFORM>

날짜: 2017년 10월 24일 (화요일) ~ 26일 (목요일)
장소: 온누리교회 서빙고 본당



집회 내용은 주 강사인 Skye Jethani의 저서 <종교에 죽고 예수와 살다>(What's Wrong with Religion?)의 내용이다.


God does not want a religious consumist or a activisit.

We have to stop both using God for personal gain and being absorbed in mission instead of God.

The prodigal son  in Luke 15 was a consumist, and his brother was an activist.

Neither of them understood what their father wanted.

What God wants is just to be with us.

We do not see the world the way Jesus sees the world.

We think that the world is dangerous.

When we're afraid, we try to control the circumstances.

The result is attack or escape.

Fear makes us not to live with God's words.

Change the vision of the world.

This is the perfectly safe world because God is with us.

Without fear we can live the true Christian life.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,

plans to prosper you not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.

(Jeremiah 29:11)

God's creation contains order, beauty and abundance.

A Garden of Eden in Genesis becomes a glorious City in Revelation.

It is the ultimate goal of the creation - uncultivated to cultivated.

Man was created not just to serve God, but to represent God.

Thus we should continue the creative job of God, cultivation.

This is not limited to a missionary work, but is expanded to all kinds of job.